How to earn up to $80 per account for a P2P deposit from Bitget
Bitget offers P2P (Peer-to-Peer) deposits, allowing users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies directly with each other, using local currencies and various payment methods.
Key features of P2P deposits on Bitget:
- Direct Transactions: Users can directly buy or sell cryptocurrencies to each other without intermediaries.
- Various Payment Methods: Various payment methods are supported, such as bank transfers, e-wallets, etc.
- No Fees: Trading on the Bitget P2P platform is commission-free, which makes it attractive to users.
- Security: Bitget uses an escrow service to protect transactions, temporarily blocking the seller’s cryptocurrency until the buyer confirms receipt of payment.
How it works:
- Registration and Verification: Users must register on the Bitget platform and complete the KYC (Know Your Customer) procedure.
- Listing Selection: After logging into the P2P platform, users can select the appropriate listing to buy or sell cryptocurrency at the desired price and payment method.
- Confirmation and Payment: The buyer makes a payment directly to the seller using the selected payment method and confirms the transaction on the platform.
- Transaction Completion: After confirming receipt of payment, the seller unlocks the cryptocurrency, which is credited to the buyer’s account.
Advantages of using P2P on Bitget:
- Global Market: Ability to trade with users from different countries using local currencies.
- Flexibility: Users can set their own prices and choose convenient payment methods.
- Support: 24/7 support and dispute resolution system ensure safe and reliable transactions.
Now let's look at a specific offer: How to earn up to $80 per account for a P2P deposit from Bitget
What we do
1. If you don't have an account - register and go through the CCU
2. Register for the promotion
3. Make a clean deposit via P2P and do not withdraw until the end of the promo
• Any P2P deposit +$2 USDT
• 50 USDT P2P deposit +$5 USDT
• 200 USDT P2P deposit +$10 USDT
• 1000 USDT P2P deposit +$15 USDT
• 10000 USDT P2P deposit +$80 USDT
• Net P2P deposit = P2P buy – P2P sell
• Payouts within 7 days after promo ends
• Maximum one (largest completed) reward, up to $80
• Cannot be combined with other P2P promos
Who: New and existing users
Deadline: 05.01.2025
Prize pool: $300,000