How to get 10,000 BGB from Bitget

 08 August, 2024

Bitget is the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange for trading cryptocurrency derivatives decided to give away 10,000 BGB to its users

How to get 10,000 BGB from Bitget

So, in order to receive a reward, it is necessary to fulfill some conditions and complete some tasks:

An account on the Bitget exchange, if you do not have an account, register using the link

• Subscribe to Bitget and CatizenAI in X (twitter)
Repost/quote of the giveaway
Fill out the participation form

1000 winners (random) get 10 BGB ~10 USDT each

Time to perform: 5 minutes

The tasks are quite simple, they don't take much time, so get to work.

Deadline: 10:00 08/16/24 UTC



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