Iceberg actively cooperates with OKX Wallet
How to earn points from Iceberg + OKX Wallet Update - Token Distribution Expansion
Iceberg is actively collaborating with OKX Wallet, expanding its integration into the Web3 ecosystem. As part of this collaboration, Iceberg provides tools to optimize trading, in particular through the functionality of Iceberg orders. This strategy allows you to divide large orders into smaller ones, which helps to avoid significant market impact and get more favorable prices when trading. OKX Wallet provides support for various blockchains, which makes it easier to access decentralized applications and interact with crypto assets through Iceberg
The collaboration is also aimed at expanding the capabilities of OKX Wallet users, including connecting to decentralized applications (DApps) and new events focused on attracting users to the Web3 ecosystem. This approach makes the platform more convenient for traders and owners of digital assets.
And today it became known that in 48 days an event is planned that you definitely can’t miss. So, we are earning points for the upcoming drop in the project that we have already written about Iceberg + OKX Wallet
What do you need to do to earn points?
- Switch to bot
- Collect points every 6 hours - don't forget to log in regularly.
- Complete tasks that bring even more points.
- Invite friends and get bonuses for referrals.
What will we get?
The Iceberg team confirmed that the collected points will be converted into project tokens during the drop. The more points, the higher the potential earnings.
Top News:
Token Distribution Expansion: The team has increased the share of tokens for the community to 50% - that's a huge number!
Bonus for Pass Holders:
5% of tokens are allocated to Iceberg Pass holders.
- This is an additional bonus to what has been farmed.
- Only 100,000 passes have been released in total, and they cost only ~$5.
Popularity of the passes:
Over 30,000 Iceberg Passes have already been sold in just a few days!
Don't miss the opportunity to earn with Iceberg!