The main theses of Sasha Notcoin

 23 May, 2024

For your attention, the main theses of Sasha Notcoin at the AMA with Bybit, which took place on June 22.

Will there be an NFT collection?

We are planning to release NFTs for notcoin skins so that people can get them for free if they have already used those skins in the game. This will be a memory of the culture and history of Notcoin.

What are Notcoin's immediate plans?

Today or tomorrow we will open an Explorer section where people will receive $NOT for exploring projects. Projects will be able to buy notcoins on the market and invest them in campaigns that work on the principle of pharming. In addition, we are planning to launch new social games inside Notcoin that will be unique and interesting

Are there any strategies for pumping the NOT course?

Yes, we have several strategies. We have implemented a pharming mechanism called Explorer, where projects can use NOT tokens to incentivize user research. We are also introducing NOT tokens into games, where a portion of user spending will be burned. In addition, we are developing a Trade Bot for trading tokens on Telegram, where part of the commissions will be used to reduce the supply of NOT tokens. And unbranded tokens will be burned or distributed for the development of the ecosystem.

How does the NOT token benefit from the burning mechanism that games/apps will introduce?

It will reduce the overall supply of tokens on the market, which in turn may contribute to an increase in their value. And this is an additional incentive for users to play burning games more actively.



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